Think for yourself, Act for everyone

Lancashire Humanists provide a forum for people of Lancashire to meet and discuss social, political, religious, philosophical, scientific and artistic issues. Current monthly meetings are held in Preston and we aim to be active across the county – from Blackpool to Burnley and Chorley to Lancaster.
Lancashire Humanists are a partner group of the Humanists UK, which represents the interests of ethically-concerned but non-religious people; and the National Secular Society, which challenges religious privilege and promotes separation of church and state.
Lancashire Humanists can help put you in touch with accredited Humanist celebrants and also Humanist School Speakers. We can also provide a speaker for other interest groups who wish to know more about Humanism.
We meet once a month, usually on the 3rd Wednesday evening. From December 2024 we will be changing the way we meet:
Discussion sessions and Guest Speaker events will be online. It helps to enable people to join in from across the whole county (and one or two who are just over the border) and it seems to be something that most people got used to during Covid lockdowns.
Social meet-ups, will be organised to fit around any discussion sessions. We will aim to have one per month in a different location around the county, to enable those local to the event to meet up with others in their area.

Our online café is open for business.
We are launching this in response to various requests for this type of service and welcome any who feel they would enjoy the opportunity to chat with people across the county. Just join us online and bring along a cup of tea (or whatever is your favoured drink), to then chat with other Humanists.
Initially we have aimed this at the non-religious people in the area but don’t feel that you need to be a member of our group to join in. This is a free service that we are offering and hope that it can develop to meet the needs of people who perhaps are feeling socially isolated or you just struggle to get along to one of our socials.
Perhaps you have young children or caring for someone or just socially isolated for health reasons, but want to chat to likeminded people. As the group develops then we can look at how we can improve the time/date to best fit as many as possible and develop this to offer more choices.
We also promote our events on this website, via our Facebook page and by direct email to our standing mailing list. If you want to be added to the mailing list and join our future events then please send an email to

Next Events
When we are back from our winter break and will be promoting our future events when each of our guest speakers are confirmed. Also we will have details of the planned social events for next year.