Whenever we are first discussing Humanism with people, the first comment that is always made is that they might not have much knowledge about Humanism but they have been to a Humanist funeral or wedding. This is usually followed up by a comment about how wonderful they felt it had been.
We all like to mark the major moments in life and Humanist celebrants can work with you to create, write and conduct a range of ceremonies to mark the these, such as baby naming ceremonies, weddings and funerals.
We have a number of celebrants here in the North West that will happily provide high-quality, personal, non-religious ceremonies. Our celebrants are thoroughly trained and quality-assured. They are passionate about their work and providing people with an appropriate way to mark the most important moments in their lives.
From here you can find out what a humanist ceremony is, or read more about our three main types of ceremony: namings, weddings and funerals. You can also find out more about celebrants – the people who write and conduct our ceremonies – and see who is available in your area.